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Top 5 Figma Shortcuts That Can Help You Design

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What is a Figma shortcut?

Keyboard shortcuts are a way for users to complete an action inside a program or piece of software by using a combination of keys. Typically Figma shortcuts on a keyboard are used to carry out an action in a quick manner instead of using the mouse.

Figma Shortcuts are not just about saving time. They help you maintain your creative flow by reducing interruptions and allowing you to focus more on design rather than repeatedly navigating through menus. This uninterrupted workflow can significantly enhance your productivity and creativity.

Undo: Ctrl + Z (Windows) or Cmd + Z (Mac):

Although a simple Figma shortcut that most will already know, this is potentially the most used shortcut any website designer will use. When working it’s important to be able to undo an action, furthermore it’s also important to be able to go forwards as well as backwards. When designing it’s easy to make a mistake and therefore it’s important to have this shortcut to hand.

Auto Layout: (Windows + Mac) Shift + A:

When designing within Figma, one of the most important tools a designer can use is the auto layout function. To use this nifty Figma shortcut, you’ll need to select one or more elements and then press shift + A. After creating an auto layout, you can then change the different settings of the auto layout to perfect your design.

Create Component: Ctrl + Alt + K (Windows) or Cmd + Option + K (Mac):

Creating a component is a great feature within Figma, it allows elements to become reusable items within the software. Components can be as simple as a button or as complex as a product card. When using a component if you are to update the master component, then all instances of the component will then update across the design which is handy. 

Select Parent Layer – Enter:

To cycle through each layer or to get to a specific layer, you can press enter on the keyboard. This is a great Figma shortcut if layers are nested within several frames, this can be quicker than selecting the individual frames with the mouse. It’s easy to remember as well, all you need to do is to press enter on the keyboard and this is the same on Windows and Mac.

Move layer to front or to back – Press [ or ] on keyboard:

By pressing [ or ] on the keyboard you can move a layer within figma to the front or back of the stack of layers. This is particularly handy if you find that a layer is hidden behind other layers and you want to bring it to the front vice versa. This shortcut allows you to increase the speed that you can design at, therefore making it particularly useful. 

Want to learn more top tips and tricks in Figma? Check out our blog on the Best Figma Plugins Web Designers Need to Install here.

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Top 5 Figma Shortcuts That Can Help You Design
Written by

Cameron Parkes
