This week the Google Webmaster Central Blog announced a new feature which helps users with a common annoyance, websites that use outdated browser technologies such as Flash. It’s common for many users to now mainly browse the web from a mobile device such as an iPhone or iPad, so visiting a website that uses Flash will result in a page that is blank or displaying very limited content. To help with this situation the Google search results will now return the following information for a mainly Flash website:
This means that users are now potentially being filtered from your website at search engine level and may never reach your hotel website. With the excellent capabilities of HTML5 there is very little reason for a hotel website to still use Flash.
The Solution
It’s very clear that hotels need to have a modern and standards compliant website. The team at Up Hotel Agency can help with a dedicated mobile hotel website or manage a full responsive design and build of your hotel website using modern web technologies.
Contact us today to talk about a modern hotel website that converts