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Instant Booking with TripAdvisor TripConnect

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TripAdvisor is making it easier for travellers to book their hotel within it’s site by offering instant booking capabilities for hotels. The TripAdvisor visitor will be able to research, choose and now book their hotel right away on TripAdvisor.

This new feature will be available to hotels Q3 in 2014, but hotels should start thinking about this channel right away.

Why use instant Booking on TripAdvisor?

It’s a great step forward for hotels that want an extra distribution channel that encourages direct bookings to their hotels. Many hotels will be able to get direct bookings at a lower cost per acquisition then using OTA’s and this channel should allow them to increase distribution on distressed inventory or increase direct bookings in low periods. TripAdvisor is a trusted platform and website with a single log-in so it helps hotels to claw back some of the benefits people gain when using OTA’s to book.

What do Hotels gain from this new channel?

Instant Bookings (no risk)
Hotels only pay for bookings that turn into stays
Owning Data
Hotels will own the data, just like a direct booking. The hotel can view the traveller profile and also collect payments.
Simple Set-up and management
Bookings will be based around a commission model and will not require excessive bid management or strategy.

Where do I sign-up?

The Full Instant Booking product should be launching in Q3 2014, however, you can sign your hotel up here for BETA

Of course, UP Hotel Agency can work with you as a distribution partner to get your hotel up and running on the new platform. Please contact one of our team for more information.

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Instant Booking with TripAdvisor TripConnect
Written by

UP Hotel Agency

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